花边,服装辅料,电脑绣花,手摇花边,手钩花边,水溶花边,棉线花边,金线花边,刺绣花边,面料花边,网布刺绣,刺绣满副,花边领花,色丁花边,胸花,手工订珠,蕾丝花边,睫毛花边,多色电脑绣花加工等各种手工服装辅料,手工工艺的直接生产厂家并有近十多年的生产经验 ( 全部都直接在农村的手工工人手上做,有一定的优势 ).产品质量及货期一直都受到海内外客户的**. 东潮服装辅料厂欢迎有意合作者请来样来电咨询! 顺祝:商祺! Dong Chao garment accessories factory is a professional production of , garment accessories, computer embroidery, hand lace, lace, water soluble lace, cotton lace, gold lace, embroidery lace, lace, mesh cloth embroidery, embroidered with lace collar, brooch, vice, beads, multi-color computer embroidery processing etc. handmade garment accessories, direct manufacturer manual craft and nearly 10 years of production experience (have certain advantages are all directly in the rural manual workers hand,). The product quality and delivery has been subject to customers at home and abroad. The intention to partner, kind to inquire! Shun Chu: regards!